After update crossy road charaters won't move
After update crossy road charaters won't move

after update crossy road charaters won after update crossy road charaters won

If the Drop Bear drops on the player when the player jumps into a river, both the Drop Bear and the player will get dunked.If the Drop Bear drops on the player when a train is passing, The Drop Bear will get hit along with the player.If the Drop Bear drops on the player on a road, cars go through the Drop Bear as if it doesn't exist.If the Drop Bear drops on a player right before the Eagle comes, the Eagle will take the Drop Bear as well as the player.If the Eagle is summoned while the player is on a river, the logs underneath the player will continue to move, sometimes suspending the player in mid-air above the river.If the Drop Bear drops on the player when the player jumps onto the crocodile's head, the player will get eaten and the Drop Bear will be paralyzed in the air.If the Eagle is summoned while the player is on a road, cars will be able to pass through the player as if it didn't exist.If the Drop Bear lands on the player while they are on a log, the Drop Bear and the player's squished body will hover over the river.Also, if the horizontal crocodile is next to a road, vehicles will pass through the part of the crocodiles that glitch onto the road. Yes SIDEWAYS! Funny app bug I've only ever seen onceExtremely rarely, a crocodile can be seen drifting vertically instead of horizontally (see video below). ☆ Sideways Crocodile ☆ Crossy Road Glitch.

after update crossy road charaters won

Very rarely, if a player squats immediately after landing on a crocodile's head, the crocodile will not eat them.If a truck drives right next to Rail Lights, the truck will pass right through the bottom of the Rail Lights.In a river, if you jump right as you get swept away off the map, the log you jumped on will pass through the other logs in that lane as seen in this video.Unlock ☆ Matt Hall ☆ Crossy Road - New Mystery Developer Character-Matt Hall (Mascot) When an ad is playing after death, cars and trains can still be heard.

After update crossy road charaters won't move