Battle tanks n64 vc usb
Battle tanks n64 vc usb

battle tanks n64 vc usb

Those of you keen on Namco's Tokyo Wars will appreciate it's "big tanks, big bangs" theme. As a multiplayer game, though, it is actually pretty enjoyable. I wouldn't want to go overboard about it or anything, but it's an adequate way of killing a few hours if you've got nothing better to do.

battle tanks n64 vc usb

It's not at all's just that if you ever wanted a perfect definition of a game that was destined for rental, this is it. A moderately enjoyable but simple tank game with average graphics, adequate sound, average controls and a story line akin to something John Carpenter would have produced when going through the crap phase he had that spawned Escape From L.A. So average is BattleTanx, it will be held up as an example for years to come as a shining hope for all people striving for mediocrity. 3DO has achieved something truly unique-they've produced the world's most average game.

Battle tanks n64 vc usb