Typescript learn
Typescript learn

typescript learn typescript learn

Open up your favourite IDE or Text Editor and create a file with the name of first.ts - For TypeScript files, we use the extension. Let’s create our first TypeScript file and write some code inside it. Once it is installed, we can verify it by running the command tsc -v which will display the version of the TypeScript installed. We’ll use npm for this, so just open the terminal and type the following command: npm install -g typescript Leave your email here if you want early access!īefore we start coding, we need to install TypeScript on our computer. We are also about to launch a free 22-part TypeScript course on Scrimba. In this tutorial, you’ll learn the basics of TypeScript with the help of practical examples. It’s been continuing to grow ever since, also in the React and Vue communities. However, TypeScript got its initial breakthrough as the core programming language in Angular 2. It’s open-source and has been maintained by Microsoft since they created it in 2012. TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript, aimed at making the language more scalable and reliable. Click here to check out the free Scrimba course on TypeScript

Typescript learn